Last day in the USA

This past week has been a living hell of stress–this is supposed to be relaxing for us to sell everything we own and downsize!  Maybe after it’s all gone, we will see the benefit.  One thing we did learn is that we are making a lot of people happy by leaving; starting with the ladies of the evening (and Norm) we spend Friday’s with.  They were so happy to see us go, we had 3 parties with them (and they are having a celebration dinner next Sunday as a sign of relief that we are gone).

The second of three celebrations to get rid of us (me–Pam, they like)

Pam’s co-workers also had a party for us at the casino in Cape Girardeau.  No body played slots because they all considered it a win that we were leaving (at least that I was leaving–it appears they might actually miss Pam).

Pam’s co-workers (of the former type)

After we delivered all of our “stuff” (some, including me, might say shit instead of stuff) to George’s basement, Karen came out and had dinner with us to discuss our final plans before London.  It occurs to me as of writing this, Karen didn’t carry a single box, yet Queen Sarah was a cleaning fool to get us out of there.  Without Sarah’s help, we would still be stuck in Cape.

Queen Sarah commands all

Next, we headed to my childhood purgatory of Decatur, IL to spend a few days with my mom and dad before heading to Chicago (and to get Monical’s Pizza one last time–it’s almost as good as Mackie’s in Marion, IL).  We got to get me a new camera for the trip and my dad a new computer so he can follow our blog (at least we’ll have one dedicated reader!)

Et tu Brute — even my parents seem happy for me to leave

We still haven’t seen the relief of not owning a home yet, or realized we don’t have work hanging over our heads.  Maybe it will sink in once we get to Wales.  We did get to spend the night with my friends Dave and Sue in Chicago and drop in on an investment club meeting with a group of friends that I know all the way across time from college.  It’s interesting to note that I was the youngest one in this group (wine ladies, you’re not alone–Shannon and Roxanne, you don’t count since you’re not regulars, but I will pass the baton to you, Shannon).  I did fall hook, line, and sinker for the joke the investment club pulled on me–the club’s net worth of $2.5 M. I was studying all of their investments trying to figure out what I missed buying (I used to buy everything they sold and usually did better once they got out of the market 🙂 much like when Killer Cantwell the rabid Card fan goes to a game and making it possible for the Cubs to win).

Look how happy everyone is now that I’ve agreed to leave the country

It’s not an official vacation with George unless he spends $1,000 at the last minute.  When we went to Isle Royale, he lost his camera in the airport so we had to buy a new Canon (which we eventually found the old one and bought it cheap off of him, so I’m not complaining).  This time it was his phone.  We stopped at the Apple Store to talk to a few “geniuses” on the way to the airport where George got his new iPhone 7 to lose in Europe.

Finally through security–it’s beginning to look like this might really happen!

Now we are doing all we can to help POTUS Trump (I prefer SCROTUS) to make America great again by leaving.  It is my goal to unplug from the news and not hear anything of American politics for the rest of this year.  The British don’t pay much attention to American politics do they?  Our chariot awaits.

It’s getting real


Our chariot out of the rat race

One thought on “Last day in the USA”

  1. I didn’t realize you were getting ready to go to Australia, Curtis, with all these upside-down photos! (heh-heh) Enjoy, enjoy!!

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