Day 7, Saturday, June 8. Port Coos—(0.8/22.1 miles)

New rules for our hike. 1) We don’t call it a hike any more. 2) Sleep until we wake up naturally. 3) Take our time getting ready. And 4) Head to the closet road and hitch. If we accept that the Oregon Coast Trail doesn’t really exist in the form of a trail (a minimum of 40% road walking on Rt 101), I can safely change the rules to how we approach it. We are both looking forward to actually having a trail to walk on again. I’m not saying the coast isn’t beautiful, but I am saying it’s destroying my will to walk.

Today, we had a simple goal, hitchhike to Port Coos and decide what to do when we get there. We walked out to 101 thinking it might take us an hour or longer to catch a ride. After 15 minutes, Bunny talked me into calling the bus and arranging a pickup at 1:40. Since we had a secure ride lined up, we were able to relax and try some more. It only took 63 more cars passing us before we got a ride. I’ve remembered a trick from last year—look completely disinterested in catching a ride and then people will stop. I had sat down on the shoulder and was writing an email to Andy and Jayne who we met on the fourth day of our hike. We got a ride right away.

A local man carved this out of a single piece of wood as a memorial to his son who died in Desert Storm

Jimmy was working down in Port Orford and lives in Port Coos. He was making a quick run home to pick up some parts he needed on the job.  He dropped us off right at the boardwalk in Port Coos. We decided to grab some food while we figured out what to do next. In the end, we opted for a hotel and two more town meals. We are eating like we are hiking even though we aren’t. We are starting to put weight back on so we’ll have an excess of calories to burn when we return to the trail in a month.


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