Day 6, Sunday, July 5. TM 569.9—(14.4 miles)

Bunny and I were in bed by 9. The locals started shooting off fireworks about 9:30 when it started getting dark. Bunny wanted me to do something to make it stop since everything that isn’t right is my fault. I did what I could. I downloaded a white noise app and turned a fan on high for 8 hours. 

Government Camp founded because of an abandoned military wagon train

We always try to maximize town time. Before we went to bed last night, Bear looked up the bus schedule and we all agreed to take the 12:10 bus (check out time is 11 giving us time to look around a bit and maybe eat a bite). We also agreed to sleep in and meet for breakfast between 7:30 and 8. That’s why I was a little surprised to hear a text message come in before 7. Bear had misread the schedule and was giving me new options. I asked what Sassy thought. He said she was still asleep. Let’s just discuss it at breakfast at 7:45. 

We didn’t realize she was missing

While we were attempting to overeat at breakfast, we decided to just take the 10:10 bus back up to Timberline Lodge. Bunny and I went and did a little produce shopping before going back to our room to finish packing. We were supposed to meet downstairs at 9:50. I opened up the door as Bear and Sassy were coming by. We decided to knock on Double D’s door but got no answer. To our surprise, she was already downstairs waiting. The force is growing strong with this one. 

Front entrance of Timberline Lodge

The bus delivered us to the lodge by 10:20, a full two hours earlier than we had planned for. Bear and I started talking about trying to stretch the day out a little further. The original plan was 8 miles when we discussed it with the ladies a couple days ago. We managed to get them to push it to 11 yesterday when we showed them the easy grade of the first 5 miles. Today, we decided to reach for the stars and push for 14. We were solidly voted down 6-2. Where they got the extra votes, we never figured out. 

An impressive WPA project

We piddled around the ski center and Lodge for about 45 minutes taking in the views of Mt Jefferson which we didn’t get yesterday because of clouds. We also looked at snow reports and downloaded a few other backup apps to help us locate each other if we should get separated again. Bunny and I walked over to the actual Lodge which was built in 1917 to check out this historic landmark. This area of the country was very instrumental on the Oregon Trail. 

Mt Jefferson in the distance…our next volcano we are headed to

Even with all the piddling, we managed to start hiking at 11:15. We immediately noticed fewer people on the trail heading south from the ski area. As promised, it was an easy and fast 5 miles downhill. We stopped for one break before the weakest member of the group started complaining about aches. That would be me. My Achilles’ tendon on my left foot felt like it was being rubbed raw. When I examined it, a hard bump was already forming under the skin. I decided now was a good time to try out the new CBD topical oil Bear and Sassy have been pushing. 

Happy hikers all fed with full packs and clean clothes

I was relieved and amazed that 10 minutes after applying the oil, my pain started to fade. I’m not ruling out placebo effect, but any relief for any reason is fine. I decided to apply more when we stopped for a lunch break. When we crossed our first highway, we experienced another chink in the chain. Bear’s calve started tightening up and spasming on him. Sassy massaged it for him (Bunny take notice!) and applied some more of the herbal relief. He was good to go in about 10 minutes. There might be something to this find.

We’re on the right trail!

Even with two walking injured, we were making great time. Bunny was much stronger today and she was keeping up. Double D talked a bit this morning about possibly losing a couple of toenails. From past hiking experience with DD, she hides the severity of her aches and pains rather well. Bunny and I think she might be doing this again this trip. When she joined us on the AT in 2018, we didn’t even find out she had a blister until snow forced us off the trail in Gatlinburg. When we saw it, my stomach turned. It was as big as her entire heel on the back of her foot. She doesn’t complain about anything small. 

A mountain blue bird

We made the 11 mile goal by 5. Bear and I doubled down our efforts to convince everyone to push on. We pointed out all the problems: no water, noisy because of cars, serial killers drive cars, water was 1/2 mile away, to get water is a 1 mile round trip and we only want to go 3.9 more miles. Bunny was feeling good and came on board early on. Sassy said she would do whatever her man and love of her life wants. She even offered to carry some of Bear’s gear (Bunny, are you paying attention?). It took the mention of bears hanging out in parking lots near busy highways before we got Dancing Dog to admit she didn’t like the spot. 

A banana break

She asked Sassy to promise we’d make it by 7 and she would agree. Sassy said if her man says it’s so, then it is. (Bunny, surely you witnessed some of these attempts at pleasing her man!). We asked DD what her foot looked like and she responded with “you don’t need to see my feet, if you want to go, I can do it.” We were good to go. 

Bear grass

I’ve come to the conclusion that DD is an adrenaline junky, but not in the normal sense. Normal adrenaline junkies get their kicks by pushing their lives to the limit by jumping out of planes, skiing ahead of avalanches, etc. Dancing Dog needs more of an immediate threat to come alive. The other day, she was dragging until she almost got lost in the wilderness. When she realized her predicament, she found the energy to run a couple miles uphill with a heavy pack and lost all fear of things that would normally scare her a bit, such as crossing a roaring glacial river near dark just to set up a tent. Today, she didn’t really want to go the extra 4 miles, so she needed a boost. She’d just have to manufacture one. 

Snow Bunny Trail for Bunny Tracks

We were about a mile into the bonus round when we heard a huge thump behind us like a sack of wheat being dropped from a passing plane onto the ground and then a call for help. DD was dragging a bit and didn’t pick up her right foot enough to clear a root in the trail. She tripped and her left pant leg caught on a branch and prevented her from moving her leg to prevent the fall. The thump was DD going head first into a stump in the trail. Bear dropped his pack as soon as he heard the thump, it took the rest of us another couple seconds until we heard the cry for help. We all dropped packs and ran back. 

Bonus trail for the day

Dancing Dog was lying face down in the middle of the trail. We got back in time to hear her ask “Are my sunglasses broken? This is my favorite pair.” We said they looked fine but she might have a bruise on her head. “Hell, my head is hard enough to take a hit. Are you sure my glasses are ok?” We wanted her to take off her pack and slowly get up to make sure she was fine. It damn near took all four of us to get her to take off her pack. Sassy and Bunny had to undo the straps before she finally agreed. 

one last look at Mt Hood. It looks more impressive further from it

When she did get up, she refused any help with her pack. “I’ve been doing good all day and I really wanted to earn my backpacking badge today!” We all agreed that she had completed her training and was nearly a full fledged long distance hiker. We didn’t tell her she doesn’t actually get the badge until she craps her pants. She’s come close with the diarrhea she’s had. She just might finish up before she makes it to Sisters. 

Some old style trail markers dot the way

We were all dragging a bit by the time we made camp (just at 7 as Sassy had promised). There was already another couple set up, but there was plenty of space. I tried to help DD set up her tent after we got ours set up. I’m a bit disappointed in the LightHeart Solo tent. We haven’t gotten a good setup yet. It normally takes a few times to figure out a tent, but this will be the 5th time and I’m still not satisfied. DD doesn’t complain about it. She’s just appreciative of any help. 

It just doesn’t get old

Bunny and I had one of our new favorites for supper. We are testing some food for BackPacker Magazine and have gotten 4 sauces from Kevin’s Natural Foods. Tonight we tried a basil lemongrass curry sauce then added a half pound of chicken and a Knorr’s pasta side. Kevin, if I wasn’t already married… 

I chose this meal for tonight because just the ingredients for it weighed almost a pound and a half in my pack. It’s heavy, but worth every ounce and the effort to carry it. Bunny and I ate in our tent and half heartedly offered to let everyone try some. We prefaced it by lying and saying it wasn’t quite as good as our last experience with Kevin’s. Luckily, no one took us up on the offer. I doubt if Bunny would have let anyone near it. The only reason I got it was because I carried it and made it. I also had to promise to massage her hips before I could dip my spoon in. She’s a crafty negotiator.