Day 42, Monday, August 10. TM 944.9—(9.5 miles)

Nobody wanted to get moving today. Even Bear slept until 6:05. We had agreed to meet for breakfast at 8, but that got pushed to 8:30. Then we took our time at breakfast (since we had become regulars…this was our third day in a row at Brother’s Cafe). We didn’t leave the restaurant until 9:45 when we went 3 different ways: Bunny went back to the motel, Bear and Sassy went to the drug store, and I went to the barbershop for some heat relief. “Onion head Easy just got peeled.”

Nancy of Cascade Airport Shuttle dropping us at the trailhead

When Bear got back to the motel, he requested late checkouts for us. We got a ride arranged to pick us up a bit after noon, and then we wanted to stop at a drug store on the way out of town (Bear and Sassy couldn’t find what they were looking for downtown. When we got to the drug store, it was next door to an Albertsons, so I went in to find some Mio lemonade and bacon jerky (new staples for all of us). After my successful hunt, I felt the need for a celebratory prize. I further delayed the return to the trail by going into a Subway and getting a foot long for the trail. All together, it was almost 1:30 before we got dropped off at the steep trail leading up from Callaghan’s. 

Old stagecoach road still in use on the PCT

Bear had already been a bit apprehensive about the heat and joked about staying another day in town. The high is supposed to be 97 today, but only 91 tomorrow. I was willing if he could use his charm to get us a great deal on the rooms for one more day. Bunny and Sassy were the kill joys that wouldn’t even let him try. They wanted to get back on the trail. I was serious about staying another day—I was dragging. In the two triple zeros we’ve had, I have yet to get a nap in. Between waiting on Bunny, getting food, doing laundry, updating the blog (that very few people even read), and eating, there just isn’t enough “me time” for Easy. 

It was hot, but we had shade

The half mile trail connector was steep and hot. By the time we made it up the 400’ elevation gain, there was no indication that any of us had done laundry or had showers in the last 3 days. I cheated the system by being the only one of the four of us who didn’t take a shower this morning. What was the point? Give us all sniff test and see if you can tell the difference. 

Someone really wants privacy to go to all this trouble

By the time we were 3 miles in, I was dragging bad. Everyone else had eaten a big breakfast while I only had an order of bacon, some hash browns, and an English muffin. Bear had managed to get 4 eggs for 2 like he did most days in Maine. All I could do was dream of my sub sitting in the top of my pack, begging to be eaten. I’d even gotten jalapeños on it so no one would want any since they missed their chance. At the water break, I said I had to have food. 

Siskiyou guarding the water spout

It was already 3 and we still had 7 miles to go. Instead of feeling stronger after eating, I felt even weaker. After another 2 miles, we came to a picnic table and water faucet on the side of the trail at what used to be a bed and breakfast. The owner and his dog stopped by and talked for a bit bi was hoping that I looked enough like a cancer victim with my newly shaved head, pale complexion, and limp that he’d offer us rooms for the night. Further proof that envisioning my desires doesn’t work (we checked the lottery numbers today and we didn’t win—too bad because every regular reader of this blog would get a $10,000 prize if I win). 

Sassy gave me 2 salt tablets. Bunny slapped me and told me to man up. It was true. I was the obvious weak link today. Even though we still had 5 miles to go, we had already climbed well over 2000’ of the 3000’ we had to ascend today. The steepest parts of the climb were behind us. We still hadn’t seen many nobo hikers today, six at most. A lot of people must have jumped north. 

Target acquired across the valley and it looks like there might be a shelter with the privy

The salt tablets seemed to help me. I can’t take the heat (and it wasn’t even that bad today). I really can’t stand being in the sun for long periods. One other consideration might be that I am a direct descendant of Sampson and the haircut I got this morning actually took all my strength with it. If my strength comes back in a week with my hair, I’ll be really surprised. I didn’t really have any before I got my haircut. 

A very nice two-sided shelter

Bunny spotted our shelter across the valley while we were hiking. That helped to perk me up some. We just had to stop and get water a half mile before the shelter. It didn’t slow us down much. The end was in sight with its rewards…picnic table and pit latrine. Just a water source shy of nirvana. 

Camp set up using the shelter as a wind break

There were several cars parked around the shelter when we arrived, but it was just a couple of couples out for a picnic after work. We talked while we set our tents up. As they left, they gave us some fresh homegrown cherry tomatoes. They were delicious. We took over the picnic table and made supper. Bunny was getting tired and cranky because it was almost 9 by the time we finished and she wanted to go to bed. Sassy: “It’s getting later earlier these days.”


2 thoughts on “Day 42, Monday, August 10. TM 944.9—(9.5 miles)”

  1. Hey, I read your blog. Just going through your last posts now.
    Great adventure. Say hi to Bunny.
    So does this now qualify me for $10,000 if you win???

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