Yo-So Wicked Wayside to Williamstown, MA

The stay at Wicked Wayside couldn’t have started any better. While the owner was showing me around, we saw 2 black bear cubs dart across the road and into the forest. They had been eating apples that had fallen off her trees and something spooked them (I didn’t think my farts were that loud). 

On my full zero, I just totally chilled and got my music fix for a while (Peter Gabriel, Talking Heads, and Elton John). I also texted my niece in Hawaii and talked to my brother. 

Day 1 (73), 09/02, Glastonbury Mountain, 12.2

I knew I was going for a short day. My choice was to leave at 7, 8, or 10. When I’m town, always choose the latest possible departure time to maximize civilization. I didn’t leave until 10. 

I still can’t get used to having bridges

I ran into Pack Man right away. I hadn’t seen him since our second day on the trail when we encountered the flooding in Baxter. I had no idea what had happened to him. Spoiler alert—he’s alive and well. 

Interesting hollow burl—if only I were closer to home, I’d carry it out.

I also met my trail twin—clothes twin at least. We had the same shirt and shoes. He hiked in 2003. The hiker formerly known as Food Lion has been the caretaker at Horn Pond and a trail runner for 2 years around Boiling Springs, PA. 

My trail twin…I didn’t know it was blue bandanna day

Since I have a Scottish connection, I do talk to most men I see in kilts (not my type, personally—the men or the kilts…I still prefer women (in spite of my history—not ready to switch teams, yet) and pants. Not women in pants. Pants for me. Women can wear (or not wear) whatever they like). Lego Man is from NH and does IT for NH national guard. He’s figured out how to take time off and accrue active duty time while working in a semi-civilian position. We talked quite a while about trails we have hiked and want to hike around the world. I think we both need a couple more lifetimes. 

Just a reminder that we are on the Long Trail AND Appalachian Trail

I also met ER doc from New Mexico carrying a gun. It didn’t come up right away as in “back off creepy dude…I’ve got a gun!” but it is a concession she made to her husband to hike the trail alone. She has been chased and had close calls in the past, but like the single women who picked us up while hitchhiking in OR, she didn’t get the serial killer vibe from me (and she was nice enough to not point out that I wasn’t good looking enough to be a serial killer).

Quite a beaver dam
And his McMansion

Pack Man joined the conversation with the ER doc. We agreed to meet on the closed tower on Glastonbury. When I actually climbed the tower with missing stairs, he was surprised. He didn’t think the old man could climb up to the second level after the FAA removed the lower stairs. In spite of being underestimated, again, I handed him his pack so he could sleep on the tower while I satisfied myself by sleeping in my tent on the ground. It turned out to be a very windy and, at times, rainy night.

Pack Man and me on Glastonbury Fire Tower

Day 2 (74), 09/03, Clangdon Shelter, 14.7

I’ve noticed my brain is recovering. I purposely do not listen to anything while hiking and limiting my phone access at all other times—I am able to multiprocess like I used. At least I’m starting to. There was a time I could keep 3 channels open and processing simultaneously. It was great for tests. I would read test questions before answering (unless they were multiple choice). I would pick the one or two hardest questions that required more analysis and then set them on a background process while I’d work on the rest of the test. By the time I got back to the questions, I’d have them figured out. Today, I noticed I could play music (on a background channel for mood), have a discussion with myself, and still communicate with the forest. The iPhone has been my downfall in productivity and creativity. 

Glastonbury Fire Tower

I only saw 2 NOBOs today but dozens of LT hikers. I had no idea the Long Trail was so popular. I was really hoping to have fewer people on the trail so I’d be distracted less and walk more. I’m still looking for my 5 mpd bump in distance. 

Fungus high rise

Mr Green and Cardivana called out to me. I had met them at Wicked Waystation a couple days ago. They had left pizza in the fridge and said I could have it if I wanted. Out of respect for their generosity, I didn’t eat the pizza until they were getting in the car headed towards the trail. They live in Erwin, TN and told me to stop by when I get there. 

The trail passes through the aptly named “split rock”

The trail was pretty dry. I’ve heard people say they have come through VT when this was the case, but I only thought they were BSing me. Every time prior to now that I have been in VT, it’s been raining. Conditions today were fantastic. Even with my late start, I made it to camp, set up, filtered water, and cooked by 7:30. 

Pretty accurate mileages—this must be new

Often times, I don’t remember a shelter by name, but I do recall it when I see it. This shelter is where we camped with Mizman in ‘18. I just talked to him a couple days ago and I’m going to see him again in Great Barrington in about a week. 

Clangdon shelter but there were already 3 LT hikers so I tented

Day 3 (75), 09/04, Williamstown, MA, Willows Motel, 14.2

I wasn’t expecting to see anyone today since it’s Labor Day. I figured all the LT hikers would have started on Friday or Saturday. Instead, I saw 15 LT hikers still starting today, but only 1 NOBO who is still planning on making Katahdin without flipping. He was French (they are competitive hikers by birth), so he might make the 600 miles in the next 5 weeks (but I’d bet against it). 

This tree grew diagonally until it found an open patch and then shot straight up

I found a beautiful stealth spot for my return trip by the new Seth Warner Shelter. I decided to keep this to myself, but not an hour later, I met a couple trying to decide where to camp for the night. I spilled the beans. I hope they keep their mouths shut. 

I hope this spot is open when I return

As hot as it was, I met a runner at the state line who was enjoying the completion of another state. I was about to ask her to take my picture at the line, but she had already gone. For the record, I crossed out of VT at 3:11p on 9/4/23…Labor Day. 

I know the consultation was free, but your fat and slow just sounds like an insult not an analysis

MA gives NOBOs a sampler of what’s ahead; boulder scramble (NH), mud (VT), and tree roots (ME) in the final 4 miles of the state. Just enough like an appetizer leaving you wanting more. If you get a full size serving of each, it would just be too much. 

Patch of mud at the start of the Ling Trail doesn’t help their image

It was way too hot today. I popped 2 salt tabs because I was sweating so much. Then the gnats started swarming. I wasn’t planning to, but I broke down and headed into town and got a hotel room. I needed AC and a shower (pizza and wine were unplanned bonuses).

Crossing into Williamstown with my next obstacle (Greylock) hovering above.


Daily Mileages

4 thoughts on “Yo-So Wicked Wayside to Williamstown, MA”

  1. As one of your 7 or 8 readers, it is always fun to read your updates. Yuck to guns on the AT for any reason. Keep on keeping on 🙂

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