Day 32, Monday, March 25. Tehachapi—(Zero Day)

Today was: a day of town chores; a day of blogging; a day of vlogging; a day of preparation; and most importantly, a day of eating. 

Bunny’s focus in her next “Food for Thought”

After our breakfast, we headed to the post office to pick up our new pack covers (the PCT has been hard on pack covers for us. We’ve each used trash bags as pack covers for a period of time on this trip. The winds, they are a blowin’) and a box of goodies from a former co-worker of Bunny’s. Thank you, Sonya. 

Sonya is taking care of us

We had pizza last night, burgers for lunch, and Thai for supper tonight. Still to come, a late night snack of Roland’s and popcorn. We are about to embark on an 86 mile section without roads or towns and little water so we are overpacked (even more so than usual) and moving at a snail’s pace. 

Our new addition to the tramily (I’ll bet no one even knew we were expecting) will be joining us as we head out of town. We now have the two of us, Ivy, Wolf, and Kevin (no trail name yet since he vetoed “Home Alone”). 

We are packed and ready to go, but not in a hurry. We need higher temperatures at elevation to melt some snow so we have someplace to hike once we make it to Walker Pass in 6 or 7 days. Kevin wants to make it in 4, but he’s got to tame those young legs if he wants to hang with the old folk (or, more likely, the old folk are about to be left in the dust).

It’s been a fast 2 days when you don’t have to set up a tent

Time in town always goes too fast. The time in the back country only increases our appreciation for soft beds, chairs, electric lights, warm rooms at night, and (you know I can’t not say it) porcelain. Until my buns are cooled by your cold touch again, I will miss you most of all. 


To bring everyone up to date on our travels, following is episode 5 of our PCT journal. For maximum viewing pleasure, please take your phone, iPad, or laptop and grab a seat in the closest bathroom of your choice and think of us having to squat for the next 7 days, instead of relaxing as you are about to. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 

2 thoughts on “Day 32, Monday, March 25. Tehachapi—(Zero Day)”

  1. I am glad you got it. 🙂 My 1st time mailing something to a trail for pick-up. Loving the scenery and seeing this trail I always heard about.

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