Day 104, Monday, July 15. Trout Lake—(Zero Day)

We made the right choice by staying an extra night in town. I almost danced with joy when I got up to pee at 5:30. Not because I got to head to a porcelain toilet, but because it was raining. Nothing is sweeter to a thru-hiker than torrential rains on a night they are staying in a hotel or hostel (on second thought, free food tops the list, but rainy nights when you’re inside is just a tad lower). It wasn’t torrential, but rain is still good. Come to think of it, I do remember a torrential rain when we were in Massachusetts last year on the AT and Bear and Sassy were still out a day behind us. We slept like babies. Very sweet.

Hero made it to town yesterday but left early this morning. He likes to sleep until 11, so we might catch up to him again

As is the intention with a zero day, we had a full day of leisure. We had already showered and done laundry yesterday so I did a little shopping between meals while Bunny worked on videos. The blog just writes itself so I had nothing but free time. I sat by the picnic table outside 5he Trout Lake General Store and talked to a few hikers to pass the time. I met a very interesting sobo by the name of Monomyth.

Seven weeks ago, Monomyth had a successful gym in Milwaukee but his rent for the space had just been raised, he had declining enrollment, 30 contract employees, a condo, high blood pressure, and stressed out. He decided he needed a change. The PCT wasn’t even on his radar. He was very up front with everyone what he was going to do. In a three week period he closed his business, sold his condo, and even dehydrated all the food he would need to do a thru-hike of the PCT.  We met him and his brother who had been hiking with him last night at supper. In just 4 weeks on the trail, Monomyth is feeling great. No stress. No bills. No employees. Loving life again.

This blog needs more puppies to lighten the mood

We joined Someday, Wea, Fancy Pants, and Dan for super at Trout Lake Inn for taco night. It was a very enjoyable evening with like-minded people that are able to see the absurdities around them. Dan and Fancy Pants are from Canada and told us the truth about their healthcare system. Their monthly contribution has been gradually shrinking and is now down to $37.50/month and is about to be phased totally out. Someday lives in San Francisco and they have a city wide healthcare system where all residents are guaranteed coverage. Only Bunny and I were without. We pay more per capita for healthcare than any other nation on earth and get lessor results. The Republicans want to turn back ACA (which was modeled on a Republican plan) and don’t offer any alternatives. It’s ridiculous that 20% of money we spend on healthcare doesn’t even go to healthcare. Big relief to all my Republican friends, we’re starting to take a closer look at Canada and adding it to our list of possible places to settle. I make no bones about it, I am an ABT this cycle.

A “bear”ing tree

There’s lots of things that bewilder me. First and foremost is how two people can witness the same event and see two totally different things. Over my life, I have been a Republican then switched to being a Democrat and am now a GDI. The two party system is a failure. Our government no longer works for our people but only works for the interests of the super-rich. Both political parties are corrupt and only work for their own re-election so they can continue to suck the tits of the billionaire class. The so called “death tax” was instituted to prevent an hereditary royal class. Since Eisenhower, the goal of the rich has been to take away those protections and they have nearly completely succeeded.

The Station Cafe at Trout Lake

This is a danger with me having too much free time in a town…I start looking at the news again and get thinking about all this crap that is out of my control. I get depressed and can’t wait to get unplugged and back on the trail. I can hardly wait until the shuttle picks us up. I’ve only got one vote (since I moved out of Chicago) and the Supreme Court has made it abundantly clear that my vote doesn’t count. I have never been as disappointed or embarrassed for my country than I have been the last 3 years. God help me…I miss W.


Enjoy Episode #14 from Bunny

4 thoughts on “Day 104, Monday, July 15. Trout Lake—(Zero Day)”

  1. I’ve always been tempted to move to Canada. I keep hoping for Maine to join with the Maritimes and thus Canada. In all our travels the friendliest people are usually Canadian and we’ve always felt at home in Canada. Oh, Canada!

    1. I have also found this to be not only be true of Canadians, but of all commonwealth nations

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