Bunny, I repeat, Bunny woke up at 6:30 and started getting ready. We had already gotten about everything done to ready to leave the hostel at 7:45. I worshipped at the porcelain throne then went out to the kitchen for some coffee (I didn’t need the usual coffee primer to worship). Zen was already up cleaning dishes and said he would like to interview Bunny and I for a UTube channel he is starting about vagabonding. We had talked a bit on the drive down from the mountains yesterday and he was very enthusiastic about the life choices we have made in the last year.
We waited a bit to allow him to take care of some chores to get people up and going, then we headed out to his front porch for a video interview. He gave us a few ground rules and then started the video. We talked for about 15 minutes before he felt he had enough material. By the time we went back in and loaded up the car to head back to the trail, it was already 8:30. The original plan was for Hot Legs, Madlib, Bunny, and I to all head back to Rock Gap the first run. Instead, Josh and Sunny were outside with their packs. I thought maybe all six of us might cram in. Instead, just the four of us took off.
Zen headed to drop us off first at Rock Gap. Zen is a little overwhelmed with the early rush of hikers he has. It’s been predicted this will be the biggest year for thru-hiking the AT and the bubble is actually going to begin on March 1 instead of the 15th. We’ve heard 60 people will start this Thursday. Zen tries to enjoy the moment even though his mind is running at 100 mph. As we climbed in the mountains, we could see that the clouds were below us. He pulled over to let us get a good look at the beautiful morning. He also told us an idea he had to produce an annual AT Hiker music album featuring music written and performed by thru-hikers. It looks like this might actually happen this year.
We made pretty good time once we got dropped off. A large part was that we knew we could expect some trail magic from Fresh Grounds and his Leap Frog Cafe. We made the 4 miles in about 2 hours which is pretty good time for us. When we got there, Patches was still there talking to Fresh Grounds. She had 3 cheeseburgers yesterday which is how we knew he was around. Today, she had 4 banana pancakes and was sitting wearing his insulated pants. Fresh Grounds loves to feed hikers and he calls Patches his best customer.
He started us out with 2 cheeseburgers each. I thought Bunny might protest, but she had wanted a burger in town yesterday when we ended up with Chinese Buffet instead. She was up for the challenge. In the end, I felt compelled to eat three cheeseburgers just to keep pace with Patches. She stuck around for two hours today (1 before we got there and the hour we were chowing). Fresh Grounds is easily the most popular person on the trail right now. He came out early to make sure us early starters got some magic. Apparently, he is the front man for a group of past thru-hikers that are donating money to feed this years’ hikers. The cheeseburgers are a first time menu item and a great success.
Before we left, Hot Legs and Madlib showed up, but poor Aleia left the trail yesterday, so, once again, she missed the trail magic. Fresh Grounds says the Forest Service calls what he does a “hiker feed” and they define trail magic as rides to town. I can say that hikers define trail magic as anything anyone does to help us out on our journey, and free food is Big Time Magic.
We just had the goal of Siler Bald Shelter today, but Patches, Hot Legs, and Madlib intend to push on to ditch the old folks whose aches and pains are bringing them down. Bunny and I had difficulty hiking after all the food we downed (Fresh Grounds warned us about the climb and said the effects of the third burger and second plate of fries were on me). We kept expecting Hot Legs and Madlib to catch us as we were making our way to Siler Bald, but they didn’t. We figured Hot Legs must have really chowed down.
Patches, Bunny and I all dropped our packs and made our way up the side trail to the bald since it was a sunny day (we haven’t had a lot of them to date so we need to take advantage when we can). The views were astounding. I had no idea the Appalachian Mountains were so expansive. After we had been up there four a few minutes snapping pictures, we saw Hot Legs and Madlib drop their packs and head up our way.
It was great to have such an inspiring spot be the last place we will all be together. Bunny and I can’t keep up with the kids. It’s time for us to become empty nesters once again. We said our goodbyes and headed downhill to the closest shelter while the three of them headed to the next shelter 7 miles away. By the end of the week, they’ll all be a couple days ahead of us (unless there’s more trail magic in the form of food in which case Patches will slow up quite a bit).
The shelter was a bit further than advertised. We got down there around 4:30 and there was already someone down there whom we hadn’t met yet. Mizman was cooking supper when we arrived. He’s someone I have been following in shelter registers since our first day on the trail. He’s a retired postal worker and has a very upbeat outlook on trail life and life in general. We talked until sunset, but it was getting cold and forcing us all into our bags. It was well below 40 at 7:00. Our new sleeping pads feel great.