Total miles to date 5114.7
Date, Day, Location, Mileage, Trail Miles, Accomodation
- 10/12, Sa, Shaw’s Hiker Hostel, ZERO, H
- 10/11, Fr, Shaw’s Hiker Hostel, 6.6, 114.7, H
- 10/10, Th, Little Wilson Falls, 17.9, 108.1, T
- 10/09, We, W Chairback Pond Stream, 11.6, 90.2, T
- 10/08, Tu, Carl Newhall Lean-to, 16.6, 78.6, S
- 10/07, Mo, Crawford Pond Beach, 6.0, 62.0, T
- 10/06, Su, Jo-Mary Rd, 17.8, 56.0, T
- 10/05, Sa, Wadleigh Stream Lean-to, 10.1, 38.2, S
- 10/04, Fr, Rainbow Lake Dam, 13.1, 28.1, T
- 10/03, Th, Abol Bridge, AT Lodge, 9.8, 15.0, H
- ⬇️ AT NOBO ⬇️
- 10/02, We, Katahdin Stream Camp, 10.4, 5.2, S
- ⬆️ AT SOBO ⬆️
- 10/01, Tu, Katahdin Stream Camp, 9.8, 2192.2, S
- 09/30, Mo, Abol Pines Camp, 3.6, 2182.4, S
- 09/29, Su, Hurd Brook Lean-to, 15.3, 2178.8, T
- 09/28, Sa, Crescent Pond, 11.7, 2163.5, T
- 09/27, Fr, Mahar Landing, 10.4, 2151.8, T
- 09/26, Th, Jo-Mary Rd, 15.4, 2141.4, T
- 09/25, We, Logan Brook Lean-to, 18.4, 2126.0, T
- 09/24, Tu, W Chairback Pond, 14.5, 2107.6, T
- 09/23, Mo, Wilson Valley Lean-to, 10.4, 2093.1, T
- 09/22, Su, Shaw’s Hiker Hostel, ZERO, H
- 09/21, Sa, Shaw’s Hiker Hostel, 4.3, 2082.7, H
- 09/20, Fr, Lake Hebron, 17.8, 2078.4, T
- 09/19, Th, Bald Mountain Brook, 14.6, 2060.6, T
- 09/18, We, Sterling Inn, Caratunk, 4.0, 2046.0, H
- 09/17, Tu, Pierce Pond Lean-to, 17.7, 2042.0, T
- 09/16, Mo, Little Bigelow Lean-to, 15.3, 2024.3, T
- 09/15, Su, Maine Roadhouse, ZERO, H
- 09/14, Sa, Maine Roadhouse, Stratton, 4.2, 2009.0, H
- 09/13, Fr, Spring on N Crocker, 14.5, 2004.8, T
- 09/12, Th, Oberton Stream, 13.5, 1990.3, T
- 09/11, We, Camp 43, Rangeley, 14.0, 1976.8, H
- 09/10, Tu, Bemis Stream, 12.4, 1962.8, T
- 09/09, Mo, The Cabin, 10.9, 1950.4, H
- 09/08, Su, Dunn Cascades, 9.5, 1939.5, T
- 09/07, Sa, The Knoll, Grafton Notch, 3.5, 1930.0, H
- 09/06, Fr, Old Speck Fire Tower, 6.0, 1926.5, T
- 09/05, Th, Full Goose Shelter, 9.8, 1920.5, T
- ⬆️ Maine ⬆️
- ⬇️ New Hampshire ⬇️
- 09/04, We, Gentian Pond Shelter, 11.8, 1910.7, T
- 09/03, Tu, AT Barn, Gorham, ZERO, H
- 09/02, Mo, AT Barn, Gorham, 15.2, 1898.9, H
- 09/01, Su, Carter Notch Hut, 5.9, 1883.7, W
- 08/31, Sa, Pinkham Notch, 6.0, 1877.8, H
- 08/30, Fr, Madison Stealth Camp, 8.9, 1871.8, T
- 08/29, Th, Lake of the Clouds, 11.0, 1862.9, D
- 08/28, We, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/27, Tu, Crawford Notch, 3.0, 1851.9, H
- 08/26, Mo, Ethan Pond, 6.0, 1848.9, T
- 08/25, Su, Zeacliff, 8.5, 1842.9, T
- 08/24, Sa, Garfield Camp, 7.7, 1834.4, T
- 08/23, Fr, Liberty Springs Camp, 2.5, 1826.7, T
- 08/22, Th, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/21, We, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/20, Tu, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/19, Mo, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/18, Su, Old Colony Ski Club, 4.9, 1824.2, H
- 08/17, Sa, Kinsman Pond Shelter, 11.5, 1819.3, S
- 08/16, Fr, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/15, Th, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/14, We, Old Colony Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/13, Tu, Old Colony Ski Club, 8.6, 1807.8, H
- 08/12, Mo, Jeffers Brook Shelter, 15.7, 1799.4, S
- 08/11, Su, Hexacuba Shelter, 12.0, 1783.7, T
- 08/10, Sa, Trapper John Shelter, 15.2, 1771.7, T
- 08/09, Fr, Velvet Rocks Shelter, 1.5, 1756.5, S
- 08/08, Th, Hanover, NH Angel, 2.6, 1755.0, H
- ⬆️ New Hampshire ⬆️
- ⬇️ Vermont ⬇️
- 08/07, We, Stealth Camp, 12.0, 1752.4, T
- 08/06, Tu, Thistle Hill Shelter, 8.5, 1740.4, S
- 08/05, Mo, Wise Pines, 6.2, 1731.9, H
- 08/04, Su, The Lookout, 7.5, 1725.7, S
- 08/03, Sa, Stony Brook Shelter, 10.0, 1718.2, S
- 08/02, Fr, Yellow Deli, ZERO, H
- 08/01, Th, Yellow Deli, 14.3, 1708.2, H
- 07/31, We, Stealth Camp, 16.0, 1693.9, T
- 07/30, Tu, Little Rock Pond, 16.8, 1677.9, S
- 07/29, Mo, Bromley Peak Hut, 5.8, 1661.1, S
- 07/28, Su, Spruce Peak Shelter, 10.9, 1655.3, S
- 07/27, Sa, Stratton Mountain Gondola, 12.0, 1644.4, S
- 07/26, Fr, Kid Gore Shelter, 18.7, 1632.4, T
- 07/25, Th, Congdon Shelter, 14.1, 1613.7, T
- 07/24, We, Willows Motel, Williamstown, MA, ZERO, H
- ⬆️ AT NOBO ⬆️
- ⬇️ Long Trail SOBO ⬇️
- 07/23, Tu, Willows Motel, Williamstown, MA, 11.1, 1599.6, H
- 07/22, Mo, Seth Warner Shelter, 14.4, 7.0, S
- 07/21, Su Goddard Shelter, 12.5, 24.4, T
- 07/20, Sa, Wicked Waystation, 3.8, 36.9, H
- 07/19, Fr, Stratton Mountain Gondola, 13.7, 40.7, S
- 07/18, Th, Manchester, Green Mountain Hiker Hostel 3.0, 54.4, H
- 07/17, We, Bromley Peak Hut, 16.8, 57.4, S
- 07/16, Tu, Little Rock Pond Shelter, 13.6, 74.2, S
- 07/15, Mo, Clarendon Shelter, 16.7, 87.8, S
- 07/14, Su, Rutland, Yellow Deli, ZERO, H
- 07/13, Sa, Rutland, Yellow Deli, 18.3, 104.5, H
- 07/12, Fr, Sunrise Shelter, 17.3, 122.8, S
- 07/11, Th, Skylight Lodge, ZERO, S
- 07/10, We, Skylight Lodge, 14.4, 140.1, S
- 07/09, Tu, Battell Shelter, 9.3, 154.5, S
- 07/08, Mo, Hostel Tevere, ZERO, H
- 07/07, Su, Hostel Tevere, ZERO, H
- 07/06, Sa, Appalachian Gap, Hostel Tevere, 5.2, 163.8, H
- 07/05, Fr, Cowle’s Cove Shelter, 12.2, 169.0, S
- 07/04, Th, Gleason Brook, 14.0, 181.2, T
- 07/03, We, Puffer Shelter, 9.6, 195.2, S
- 07/02, Tu, Taft Lodge, 7.2, 204.8, S
- 07/01, Mo, Madonna Ski Hut, 13.0, 212.0, S
- 06/30, Su, Roundtop Shelter, 15.1, 225.0, T
- 06/29, Sa, Spruce Ledge Camp, 7.8, 240.1, S
- 06/28, Fr, Tillotson Camp, 11.4, 247.9, S
- 06/27, Th, Woodshed Lodge, ZERO, H
- 06/26, We, Woodshed Lodge, 0.3, 259.3, H
- 06/25, Tu, Jay Camp, 6.7, 259.6, S
- 06/24, Mo, Shooting Star Shelter, 5.7, 266.3, S
- ⬆️ Long Trail SOBO ⬆️
- ⬇️ Long Trail NOBO ⬇️
- 06/23, Su, Journey’s Salon, North Troy, ZERO, H
- 06/22, Sa, Journey’s Salon, North Troy, 5.7, 270.7, H
- 06/21, Fr, Shooting Star Shelter, 12.6, 266.3, S
- 06/20, Th, Hazen’s Notch Camp, 5.8, 253.7, S
- 06/19, We, Tillotson Camp, 14.5, 247.9, S
- 06/18, Tu, Corliss Camp, 11.8, 233.4, T
- 06/17, Mo, Nye’s Green Valley Farm, 10.8, 221.6, H
- 06/16, Su, Top of the Notch Ski Hut, 9.2, 210.8, S
- 06/15, Sa, Butler Lodge, 10.5, 201.6, S
- 06/14, Fr, Buchanan Lodge, 9.9, 191.1, S
- 06/13, Th, Gleason Brook, 7.2, 181.2, T
- 06/12, We, Montclair Glen Lodge, 10.2, 174.0, S
- 06/11, Tu, Hostel Tevere, ZERO, H
- 06/10, Mo, Hostel Tevere, ZERO, H
- 06/09, Su, Appalachian Gap, Hostel Tevere, 2.4, 163.8, H
- 06/08, Sa, Stark’s Nest, 6.9, 161.4, S
- 06/07, Fr, Battell Shelter, 14.4, 154.5, S
- 06/06, Th, Skylight Lodge, 6.1, 140.1, S
- 06/05, We, Middlebury Snow Bowl, 11.2, 134.0, T
- 06/04, Tu, Sunrise Shelter, 13.2, 122.8, S
- 06/03, Mo, Rolston Rest Shelter, 5.1, 109.6, S
- 06/02, Su, Days Inn, Rutland, ZERO, H
- 06/01, Sa, Days Inn, Rutland, 10.6, 104.5, H
- 05/31, Fr, Governor Clement Shelter, 9.8, 93.9, T
- 05/30, Th, Minerva Hinchey Shelter, 9.9, 84.1, S
- 05/29, We, Little Rock Pond Shelter, 16.8, 74.2, S
- 05/28, Tu, Bromley Mountain Hut, 13.7, 57.4, S
- 05/27, Mo, Stratton Pond Shelter, 15.0, 43.7, S
- 05/26, Su, Kid Gore Shelter, 14.4, 28.7, T
- 05/25, Sa, Catamount, Bennington, Zero, H
- 05/24, Fr, Catamount, Bennington, Zero, H
- 05/23, Th, Catamount, Bennington, Zero, H
- 05/22, We, Catamount, Bennington, 7.3, 14.3, H
- 05/21, Tu, Seth Warner Shelter, 11.1, 6.4, S
- ⬆️ Long Trail NOBO ⬆️
- ⬆️ Vermont ⬆️
- ⬇️ Massachusetts ⬇️
- 05/20, Mo, Willows Inn, Williamstown, ZERO, H
- 05/19, Su, Willows Inn, Williamstown, 9.6, 1599.6, H
- 05/18, Sa, Mark Noepel Shelter, 13.9, 1590.0, T
- 05/17, Fr, Tom Levardi’s, Dalton, 11.6, 1576.1, T
- 05/16, Th, October Mountain Shelter, 7.2, 1564.5, S
- 05/15, We, Lee, MA, Pilgrim Inn, 1.6, 1557.3, H
- 05/14, Tu, Upper Goose Pond, 10.0, 1555.7, S
- 05/13, Mo, Shaker Campsite, 5.9, 1545.7, T
- 05/12, Su, South Mount Wilcox Shelter, 11.8, 1539.8, S
- 05/11, Sa, TraveLodge, Great Barrington, ZERO, H
- 05/10, Fr, TraveLodge, Great Barrington, ZERO, H
- 05/09, Th, TraveLodge Great Barrington, 16.3, 1528.0, H
- ⬆️ Massachusetts ⬆️
- ⬇️ Connecticut ⬇️
- 05/08, We, Brassie Brook Shelter, 24.7, 1511.7, S
- 05/07, Tu, Cesar Brook Campsite, 14.1, 1487.0, T
- 05/06, Mo, Mt Algo Shelter, 21.6, 1472.9, S
- ⬆️ Connecticut ⬆️
- ⬇️ New York ⬇️
- 05/05, Su, Telephone Pioneers Shelter, 17.8, 1451.3, S
- 05/04, Sa, RPH Shelter, 22.3, 1434.5, S
- 05/03, Fr, Hemlock Springs Camp Site, 26.8, 1412.2, T
- 05/02, Th, Little Dam Lake, 14.1, 1385.4, T
- 05/01, We, Furnace Brook, 22.2, 1371.3, T
- ⬆️ New York ⬆️
- ⬇️ New Jersey ⬇️
- 04/30, Tu, Sola, Unionville, NY, 20.1, 1349.1, H
- 04/29, Mo, Gren Anderson Shelter, 17.9, 1329.0, T
- 04/28, Su, Tentsite, 13.7, 1311.1, T
- ⬆️ New Jersey ⬆️
- ⬇️ Pennsylvania ⬇️
- 04/27, Sa, Church of the Mountain Hiker, DWG, 15.5, 1297.4, H
- 04/26, Fr, Gateway Motel, Wind Gap, 21.3, 1281.9, H
- 04/25, Th, Stealth, 25.2, 1260.6, T
- 04/24, We, Eckville Shelter, 15.0, 1235.4, S
- 04/23, Tu, Port Clinton Pavilion, 23.7, 1220.4, T
- 04/22, Mo, 501 Shelter, 29.1, 1196.7, S
- 04/21, Su, Spring/Stealth, 21.3, 1167.6, T
- 04/20, Sa, Stealth, 21.7, 1146.3, T
- 04/19, Fr, Lisa’s Hostel, Boiling Springs, 19.3, 1124.6, H
- 04/18, Th, Ironmasters Mansion, 19.8, 1105.3, H
- 04/17, We, Thru It All, 18.2, 1085.5, H
- ⬆️ Pennsylvania ⬆️
- ⬇️ Maryland ⬇️
- 04/16, Tu, Zero Day Stay, PenMar Park, 23.4, 1067.3 H
- 04/15, Mo, Dahlgren Campground, 17.9, 1043.9, T
- ⬆️ Maryland ⬆️
- ⬇️ West Virginia ⬇️
- 04/14, Su, Halfway Hideaway, Harpers Ferry, 20.2, 1026.0, H
- ⬆️ West Virginia ⬆️
- ⬇️ Virginia ⬇️
- 04/13, Sa, Bears Den, 9.8, 1005.8, H
- 04/12, Fr, Rod Hollow Shelter, 23.3, 996.0, S
- 04/11, Th, Mountain Home, ZERO, H
- 04/10, We, Mountain Home, Front Royal, 13.7, 972.7, H
- 04/09, Tu, Gravel Springs Hut, 17.5, 959.0, T
- 04/08, Mo, Byrds Nest #3, 10.9, 941.5, T
- 04/07, Su, Rock Spring Hut, 12.4, 930.6, S
- 04/06, Sa, Lewis Mountain Cabin, 11.5, 918.2, H
- 04/05, Fr, Hightop Hut, 19.1, 906.7, S
- 04/04, Th, Dundo Picnic Area, 15.3, 887.6, T
- 04/03, We, Calf Mountain Shelter, 7.7, 872.3, S
- 04/02, Tu, Stanimals, Waynesboro, 4.8, 864.6, H
- 04/01, Mo, Paul Wolfe Shelter, 16.0, 859.8, T
- 03/31, Su, Maupin Field Shelter, 13.8, 843.8, S
- 03/30, Sa, The Priest Shelter, 22.4, 830.0, S
- 03/29, Fr, Brown Mountain Creek Shelter, 20.1, 807.6, S
- 03/28, Th, Cornelius Creek Shelter/Stanimals, Glasgow, 17.9, 767.5, H
- 03/27, We, Matt’s Creek Shelter, 16.8, 785.4, S
- 03/26, Tu, Thunder Hill Shelter, 10.2, 772.8, S
- 03/25, Mo, Bryant Ridge Shelter, 13.5, 762.6, S
- 03/24, Su, Bobblets Gap Shelter, 18.5, 749.1, S
- 03/23, Sa, Super 8, Daleville, ZERO, H
- 03/22, Fr, Super 8, Daleville, ZERO, H
- 03/21, Th, Super 8, Daleville, 9.4, 730.6, H
- 03/20, We, Lamberts Meadow Shelter, 16.4, 721.2, S
- 03/19, Tu, Four Pines Hostel, 14.3, 704.8, H
- 03/18, Mo, Campsite, 15.0, 690.5, T
- 03/17, Su, Laurel Creek Shelter, 18.5, 675.5, S
- 03/16, Sa, Pine Swamp Branch Shelter, 19.7, 657.0, S
- 03/15, Fr, Angels Rest, 11.5, 637.3, H
- 03/14, Th, Woods Hole, 15.3, 625.8, H
- 03/13, We, Weary Feet Hostel, 6.5, 610.5, H
- 03/12, Tu, Jenny Knob Shelter, 14.9, 604.0, S
- 03/11, Mo, Campsite/View 19.0, 589.1, T
- 03/10, Su, Chestnut Knob Shelter, 11.3, 570.1, S
- 03/09, Sa, Bear Garden Hostel, ZERO, H
- 03/08, Fr, Bear Garden Hostel, 11.8, 558.8, H
- 03/07, Th, Long Neck Alpaca Farm, 11.4, 546.0, H
- 03/06, We, Merry Hiker, Marion, VA, ZERO, H
- 03/05, Tu, Merry Hiker, Marion, VA, ZERO, H
- 03/04, Mo, Merry Hiker, Marion, VA, 10.0, 534.6, H
- 03/03, Su, Trimpi Shelter, 20.1, 524.6, S
- 03/02, Sa, Wise Shelter, 9.3, 504.5, S
- 03/01, Fr, Elk Garden, Greyson Higjlands Basecamp, 8.2, 495.2, H
- 02/29, Th, Lost Mountain Shelter, 16.0, 487.0, S
- 02/28, We, Damascus, 10.2, 471.0, H
- ⬆️ Virginia ⬆️
- ⬇️ Tennessee ⬇️
- 02/27, Tu, Abingdon Gap Shelter, 16.0, 460.8, S
- 02/26, Mo, Iron Mountain Shelter, 16.0, 444.8, T
- 02/25, Su, Boots Off Hostel, 8.4, 428.8, H
- 02/24, Sa, Black Bear Resort, 6.4, 420.4, H
- 02/23, Fr, Moreland Gap Shelter, 16.9, 414.0, S
- 02/22, Th, The Refuge Hostel, ZERO H
- 02/21, We, The Refuge Hostel, 17.8, 397.1, H
- ⬆️ Tennessee ⬆️
- ⬇️ North Carolina & Tennessee ⬇️
- 02/20, Tu, Roan High Knob Shelter, 17.6, 379.3, S
- 02/19, Mo, Cherry Gap Shelter, 17.2, 361.7, S
- 02/18, Su, Uncle Johnny’s, Erwin, TN, ZERO, H
- 02/17, Sa, Uncle Johnny’s, Erwin, TN, ZERO, H
- 02/16, Fr, Uncle Johnny’s, Erwin, TN, 16.8, 344.5, H
- 02/15, Th, Bald Mountain Shelter, 18.9, 327.7, S
- 02/14, We, Flint Mountain Shelter, 14.0, 308.8, S
- 02/13, Tu, Little Laurel Shelter, 19.6, 294.8, S
- 02/12, Mo, Elmers, Hot Springs, NC, ZERO
- 02/11, Su, Elmers, Hot Springs, NC, ZERO
- 02/10, Sa, Elmers, Hot Springs, 17.9, 275.2, H
- 02/09, Fr, Roaring Fork Shelter, 15.5, 257.3, S
- 02/08, Th, Standing Bear Farm, 10.4, 241.8, H
- 02/07, We, Cosby Knob Shelter, 12.9, 231.4, S
- 02/06, Tu, Peck’s Corner Shelter, 15.2, 218.5, S
- 02/05, Mo, Mt Collins Shelter, 13.0, 203.1, S
- 02/04, Su, Derrick Knob Shelter, 12.1, 190.1, S
- 02/03, Sa, Mollies Ridge Shelter, 12.0, 178.0, S
- ⬆️ North Carolina & Tennessee ⬆️
- ⬇️ North Carolina ⬇️
- 02/02, Fr, Fontana Hilton Bathroom, 15.2, 166.0, S(B)
- 02/01, Th, Stecoah Wolf Creek, 13.9, 150.8, H
- 01/31, We, NOC, 11.5, 136.9, H
- 01/30, Tu, Cold Spring Shelter, 15.8, 125.4, S
- 01/29, Mo, Chica & Sunset’s, Franklin, ZERO, H
- 01/28, Su, Chica & Sunset’s, Franklin, 15.9, 109.6, H
- 01/27, Sa, Carter Gap Shelter, 12.5, 93.7, S
- 01/26, Fr, Muskrat Creek Shelter, 11.8, 81.2, S
- ⬆️ North Carolina ⬆️
- ⬇️ Georgia ⬇️
- 01/25, Th, Dicks Gap, Around the Bend, 3.6, 69.4, H
- 01/24, We, Deep Gap Shelter, 22.8, 65.8, S
- 01/23, Tu, Low Gap Shelter, 11.7, 43.0, S
- 01/22, Mo, Neels Gap, Green Dragon, 14.4, 31.3, H
- 01/21, Su, Gooch Gap, Hidden Pond, 14.1, 16.9, H
- 01/20, Sa, Stover Creek Shelter, 11.3, 2.8, S
- 01/19, Fr, Ellijay, GA, ZERO, H
- 01/18, Th, Ellijay, GA, ZERO, H
- 01/17, We, Amicalola SP, 8.7, H
- 01/16, Tu, Springer Mountain Shelter, 16.5, 2198.2, S
- 01/15, Mo, Gooch Mountain Shelter, 15.6, 2182.7, S
- 01/14, Su, Mountain Crossings, 11.5, 2167.1, H
- 01/13, Sa, Low Gap Shelter, 26.4, 2155.6, S
- 01/12, Fr, Around the Bend Hostel, 4.5, 2129.2, H
- 01/11, Th, Plum Orchard Gap Shelter, 19.8, 2124.7, S
- ⬆️ Georgia ⬆️
- ⬇️ North Carolina ⬇️
- 01/10, We, Carter Gap Shelter, 15.9, 2104.9, S
- 01/09, Tu, All in the Tramily, Franklin, 11.0, 2089.0, H
- 01/08, Mo, Wayah Shelter, 16.3, 2078.0, S
- 01/07, Su, NOC, 13.9, 2061.7, H
- 01/06, Sa, Stecoah Wolf Creek Hostel, 15.1, 2047.8, H
- 01/05, Fr, Fontana Hilton, 15.1, 2032.7, S(B)
- ⬆️ North Carolina ⬆️
- ⬇️ North Carolina and Tennessee ⬇️
- 01/04, Th, Russell Field Shelter, 16.4, 2017.6, S
- 01/03, We, Double Spring Gap Shelter, 13.6, 2001.2, S
- 01/02, Tu, Icewater Spring Shelter, 12.6, 1987.6, S
- 01/01, Mo, Tri-Corner Knob Shelter, 10.5, 1975.0, S
- 12/31, Su, Mt Cammerer Fire Tower, 7.6, 1964.5, S
- 12/30, Sa, Standing Bear Farm, ZERO, H
- 12/29, Fr, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/28, Th, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/27, We, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/26, Tu, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/25, Mo, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/24, Su, Gatlinburg, ZERO, H
- 12/23, Sa, Standing Bear Farm, 15.5, 1956.9, H
- 12/22, Fr, Roaring Fork Shelter, 17.9, 1941.4, S
- 12/21, Th, Elmers, Hot Springs, 11.0, 1923.5, H
- 12/20, We, Spring Mountain Shelter, 22.6, 1912.5, S
- 12/19, Tu, Flint Mountain Shelter, 18.9, 1889.9, S
- 12/18, Mo, Bald Mountain Shelter, 16.9, 1871.0, S
- 12/17, Su, Miss Janet’s, Erwin, TN, 17.1, 1854.1, H
- 12/16, Sa, Cherry Gap Shelter, 17.6, 1837.0, S
- 12/15, Fr, Roan High Knob Shelter, 16.3, 1819.4 S
- ⬆️ North Carolina & Tennessee ⬆️
- ⬇️ Tennessee ⬇️
- 12/14, Th, The Station at 19E, 16.0, 1803.1, H
- 12/13, We, Tentsite, 17.1, 1787.1, T
- 12/12, Tu Boots Off Hostel, 16.1, 1770.0, H
- ⬆️ Tennessee ⬆️
- ⬇️ Virginia ⬇️
- 12/11, Mo, Iron Mountain Shelter, 26.5, 1753.9, S
- 12/10, Su, Lady Di’s, Damscus 15.7, 1727.4, H
- 12/09, Sa, Lost Mountain Shelter, 17.5, 1711.7, S
- 12/08, Fr, Wise Shelter, 20.1, 1694.2, S
- 12/07, Th, Trimpi Shelter, 21.5, 1674.1, S
- 12/06, We, Long Neck Alpaca Fm, ZERO, H
- 12/05, Tu, Long Neck Alpaca Farm, 12.6, 1652.6, H
- 12/04, Mo, Bear Garden Hostel, 12.8, 1640.0, H
- 12/03, Su Burke’s Garden Hostel, 22.8, 1627.2, H
- 12/02, Sa, Helveys Mill Shelter, 15.9, 1604.4, S
- 12/01, Fr, Weary Feet Hostel, 15.6, 1588.5, H
- 11/30, Th, Woods Hole Hostel, 10.6, 1572.9, H
- 11/29, We, Angels Rest Hostel, Pearisburg, 8.1, 1562.3, H
- 11/28, Tu, Rice Field Shelter, 16.4, 1554.2, S
- 11/27, Mo, Bailey Gap Shelter, 21.2, 1537.8, S
- 11/26, Su, Sarver Hallow Shelter, 16.1, 1516.6, S
- 11/25, Sa, Pickle Branch Shelter, 17.0, 1500.5, S
- 11/24, Fr Campbell Shelter, 15.4, 1483.5, S
- 11/23, Th, Super 8, Daleville, 11.2, 1468.1, H
- 11/22, We, Wilson Creek Shelter, 20.8, 1456.9, S
- 11/21, Tu, Bryant Ridge Shelter, ZERO, S
- 11/20, Mo, Bryant Ridge Shelter, 4.9, 1436.1, S, skipped 20.0 due to fire
- 11/19, Su, Lynchburg, 10.6, 1411.2, H
- 11/18, Sa, Punchbowl Shelter, 15.1, 1400.6, S
- 11/17, Fr, Cow Camp Gap Shelter, 16.8, 1385.5, S
- 11/16, Th, The Priest Shelter, 13.8, 1368.7, S
- 11/15, We, Maupin Field Shelter, 20.7, 1354.9, S
- 11/14,Tu, Stanimals, Waynesboro, 7.8, 1334.2, H
- 11/13, Mo, Calf Mountain Shelter, 26.2, 1326.4, S
- 11/12,Su, Pinefield Hut, 20.7, 1300.2, S
- 11/11, Sa, Bearfence Mountain Hut, 15.8, 1279.5, S
- 11/10, Fr, Skyland Resort, 6.5, 1263.7, H
- 11/09, Th, Byrds Nest #3 Hut, 17.5, 1257.2, S
- 11/08, We, Gravel Springs Hut, 13.4, 1239.7, S
- 11/07, Tu, MountainHome B&B, 5.2, 1226.3, H
- 11/06, Mo, Jim & Molly Denton Shelter, 18.4, 1221.1, S
- 11/05, Su, Rod Hallow Shelter, 9.8, 1202.7, S
- 11/04, Sa, Bears Den Hostel, 19.9, 1192.9, H
- ⬆️ Virginia ⬆️
- ⬇️ West Virginia ⬇️
- 11/03, Fr, Harpers Ferry, 7.0, 1173.0, H
- ⬆️ West Virginia ⬆️
- ⬇️ Maryland ⬇️
- 11/02, Th, Ed Garvey Shelter, 18.3, 1166.0, S
- 11/01, We, Annapolis Rocks Camp, 16.3, 1147.7, T
- 10/31, Tu, Pen Mar Park, 18.2, 1131.4, S
- ⬆️ Maryland ⬆️
- ⬇️ Pennsylvania ⬇️
- 10/30, Mo, Thru It All Hostel, 10.0, 1113.2, H
- 10/29, Su, Birch Run Shelter, 9.8, 1103.2, S
- 10/28, Sa, Ironmasters Mansion, 7.3, 1093.4, H
- 10/27, Fr, James Fry Shelter, 8.1, 1086.1, S
- 10/26, Th, Alec Kennedy Shelter, 8.1, 1078.0, S
- 10/25, We, Microtel, Carlisle, PA, ZERO, H
- 10/24, Tu, PA 641, 10.1, 1069.9, H
- 10/23, Mo, Darlington Shelter, 10.9, 1059.8, S
- 10/22, Su, Duncannon, 11.4, 1048.9, H
- 10/21, Sa, Peters Mountain Shelter, 17.8, 1037.5, S
- 10/20, Fr, Rausch Gap Shelter, 17.7, 1019.7, S
- 10/19, Th, 501 Shelter, 14.9, 1002.0, S
- 10/18, We, Eagles Nest Shelter, 8.8, 987.1, S
- 10/17, Tu, Port Clinton, 15.0, 978.3, S
- 10/16, Mo, Eckville Shelter, 17.4, 963.3, S
- 10/15, Su, Bake Oven Knob Shelter, 13.5, 945.9, S
- 10/14, Sa, Country Side Deluxe Suite, ZERO, H
- 10/13, Fr, Blue Mountain Drive, 15.4, 932.4, H
- 10/12, Th, Gateway Motel, 15.5, 917.0, H
- 10/11, We, Church of the Mountain Hiker, 10.6, 901.5, H
- ⬆️ Pennsylvania ⬆️
- ⬇️ New Jersey ⬇️
- 10/10, Tu, Mohican Outdoor Center, 21.0, 890.9, H
- 10/09, Mo, Gren Anderson Shelter, 18.3, 869.9, S
- 10/08, Su, Secret Shelter, 13.6, 851.6, S
- 10/07, Sa, Lake Lodging, Greenwood Lake, ZERO, H
- 10/06, Fr, NJ Route 94, 5.1, 838.0, H
- 10/05, Th, Wawayanda Shelter, 10.0, 832.9, S
- ⬆️ New Jersey ⬆️
- ⬇️ New York ⬇️
- 10/04, We, Lake Lodging, Greenwood Lake, ZERO, H
- 10/03, Tu, Greenwood Lake, 2.1, 822.9, H
- 10/02, Mo, Wildcat Shelter, 14.5, 820.8, S
- 10/01, Su, Fingerboard Shelter, 10.1, 806.3, S
- 09/30, Sa, West Mountain Shelter, 8.1, 796.2, S
- 09/29, Fr, Holiday Inn, Fort Montgomry, ZERO, H
- 09/28, Th, Bear Mountain Bridge Motel, 6.6, 788.1, H
- 09/27, We, Graymoor Spiritual Center, 8.1, 781.5, S
- 09/26, Tu, Dennytown Road Camp, 10.7, 773.4, T
- 09/25, Mo, RPH Shelter, 9.0, 762.7, S
- 09/24, Su, Morgan Stewart Shelter, 7.8, 753.7, S
- 09/23, Sa, Telephone Pioneers Shelter, 0.6, 745.9, S
- 09/22, Fr, Dover Oak (Pawling, NY), 8.2, 745.3, S
- 09/21, Th, Wiley Shelter, 12.8, 737.1, S
- ⬆️ New York ⬆️
- ⬇️ Connecticut ⬇️
- 09/20, We, Mt Algo Shelter, 13.9, 724.3, S
- 09/19, Tu, Cesar Brook Campsite, 12.5, 710.4, T
- 09/18, Mo, Jenny’s Cabin, ZERO, H
- 09/17, Su, Falls Village (Jenny’s Cabin), 3.6, 697.9, H
- 09/16, Sa, Limestone Spring Shelter, 7.4, 694.3, S
- 09/15, Fr, Riga Shelter, 9.5, 686.9, S
- ⬆️ Connecticut ⬆️
- ⬇️ Massachusetts ⬇️
- 09/14, Th, Hemlocks Shelter, 8.0, 677.4, S
- 09/13, We, TraveLodge, Great Barrington, ZERO, H
- 09/12, Tu, TraveLodge, Great Barrington, ZERO, H
- 09/11, Mo, Great Barrington, 11.6, 669.4, H
- 09/10, Su, South Mount Wilcox Shelter, 16.1, 657.8, S
- 09/09, Sa, Upper Goose Pond, 8.8, 641.7, H
- 09/08, Fr, October Mountain Shelter, 11.8, 632.9, T
- 09/07, Th, Berkshire Motel, ZERO, H
- 09/06, We, Dalton (Berkshire, Pittsfield), 13.7, 621.1, H
- 09/05, Tu, Mark Noepel Shelter, 9.5, 607.4, S
- 09/04, Mo, Williamstown, Willows Hotel, 14.2, 597.9, H
- ⬆️ Massachusetts ⬆️
- ⬇️ Vermont ⬇️
- 09/03, Su, Congdon Shelter, 14.7, 583.7, T
- 09/02, Sa, Glastonbury Mountain, 12.2, 569.0, T
- 09/01, Fr, Wicked Waystation, ZERO, H
- 08/31, Th, Kelley Stand Rd, 14.7, 556.8, H
- 08/30, We, Spruce Peak Shelter, 12.9, 542.1, S
- 08/29, Tu, Peru Peak Shelter, 14.5, 529.2, S
- 08/28, Mo, Greenwall Shelter, 14.9, 514.7, S
- 08/27, Su, Governor Clement Shelter, 10.6, 499.8, T
- 08/26, Sa, Rutland, 3.0, 489.2, H
- 08/25, Fr, Clifford Woods SP, 14.3, 486.2, S
- 08/24, Th, The Lookout, 14.9, 471.9, S
- 08/23, We, Thistle Hill Shelter, 13.1, 457.0, T
- 08/22, Tu, Norwich Inn, VT, 3.0, 443.9, H
- ⬆️ Vermont ⬆️
- ⬇️ New Hampshire ⬇️
- 08/21, Mo, Velvet Rocks Shelter, 15.2, 440.9, T
- 08/20, Su, Trapper John Shelter, 12.0, 425.7, T
- 08/19, Sa, Hexacuba Shelter, 14.6, 413.7, S
- 08/18, Fr, Hikers Welcome, 1.1, 399.1, H
- 08/17, Th, Jeffers Brook Shelter, 12.3, 398.0, S
- 08/16, We, Stealth on Mt Wolf, 9.5, 385.7, T
- 08/15, Tu, Lonesome Lake Hut, 3.0, 376.2, W
- 08/14, Mo, Snowchasers Ski Club, ZERO, H
- 08/13, Su, Liberty Springs Trailhead, 2.5, 373.2, H
- 08/12, Sa, Liberty Springs Campsite, 7.6, 370.7, T
- 08/11, Fr, Garfield Ridge Campsite, ZERO, T
- 08/10, Th, Garfield Ridge Campsite, 9.8, 363.1, T
- 08/09, We, Zealand Falls Hut, 7.7, 353.3, W
- 08/08, Tu, AMC Highland Center, ZERO, H
- 08/07, Mo, AMC Highland Center, 11.1, 345.6, H
- 08/06, Su, Lake of the Clouds, 8.8, 334.5, W
- 08/05, Sa, Treeline Stealth Site, 6.1, 325.7, T
- 08/04, Fr, The Barn, Gorham, NH, ZERO, H
- 08/03, Th, Pinkham Notch, 5.9, 319.6, H
- 08/02, We, Carter Notch Hut, 7.1, 313.7, W
- 08/01, Tu, Imp Campsite, 8.1, 306.6, S
- 07/31, Mo, The Barn, Gorham, NH, ZERO, H
- 07/30, Su, The Barn, Gorham, NH, ZERO, H
- 07/29, Sa, The Barn, Gorham, NH, 11.8, 298.5, H
- 07/28, Fr, Gentian Pond Shelter, 9.6, 286.7, S
- ⬆️ New Hampshire ⬆️
- ⬇️ Maine ⬇️
- 07/27, Th, Full Goose Shelter, 5.1, 277.1, S
- 07/26, We, Speck Pond Shelter, 4.6, 272.0, T
- 07/25, Tu, Grafton Notch, 10.3, 267.4, T
- 07/24, Mo, Unnamed Brook, 10.1, 257.1, T
- 07/23, Su, The Cabin, East Andover, 7.1, 247.0, H
- 07/22, Sa, Bemis Mountain, 9.9, 239.9, T
- 07/21, Fr, Sabbath Day Pond Lean-to, 9.4, 230.0, S
- 07/20, Th, Hiker Hut, Rangely, 1.8, 220.6, H
- 07/19, We, Piazza Rock Lean-to, 11.7, 218.8, T
- 07/18, Tu, Sluice Brook Logging Rd, 11.4, 207.1, T
- 07/17, Mo, Crocker Cirque Campsite, 7.3, 195.7, T
- 07/16, Su, Maine Roadhouse, Stratton, ZERO, H
- 07/15, Sa, Maine Roadhouse, Stratton, ZERO, H
- 07/14, Fr, Maine Roadhouse, Stratton, 10.4, 188.4, H
- 07/13, Th, Safford Notch Campsite, 12.6, 178.0, T
- 07/12, We, West Carry Pond Lean-to, 14.0, 165.4, T
- 07/11, Tu, Sterling Inn, Caratunk, 2.7, 151.4, H
- 07/10, Mo, Holly Brook, 12.0, 148.7, T
- 07/09, Su, Bald Mountain Brk Lean-to, 13.0,136.7, T
- 07/08, Sa, Horseshoe Canyon Lean-to, 9.0, 123.7, T
- 07/07, Fr, Shaw’s Hostel, Monson, ZERO, H
- 07/06, Th, Shaw’s Hostel, Monson, 3.0, 114.7, H
- 07/05, We, Leeman Brook Lean-to, 12.1, 111.7, S
- 07/04, Tu, Long Pond Stream Lean-to, 11.1, 99.6, T
- 07/03, Mo, Chairback Gap Lean-to, 9.9, 88.5, T
- 07/02, Su, Carl Newhall Lean-to, 7.2, 78.6, S
- 07/01, Sa, Logan Brook Lean-to, 11.7, 71.4, T
- 06/30, Fr, Cooper Brook Falls Lean-to, 11.4, 59.7, T
- 06/29, Th, Potaywadjo Lean-to, 10.1, 48.3, T
- 06/28, We, Wadleigh Stream Lean-to, 11.7, 38.2, T
- 06/27, Tu, Rainbow Spring Campsite, 11.5, 26.5, T
- 06/26, Mo, AT Lodge Millinocket, ZERO, H
- 06/25, Su, AT Lodge Millinocket, ZERO, H
- 06/24, Sa, AT Lodge Millinocket, ZERO, H
- 06/23, Fr, Abol Bridge, 9.8, 15.0, B
- 06/22, Th, Katahdin Stream, 10.4, 5.2, T
- ⬆️ Maine ⬆️