Day 141, Monday, July 2. Mohican Outdoor Center—10.5 miles

We were caught in a dilemma: it was going to be a scorcher today so we should get going before it gets hot; we paid $90 for a room with ac and checkout wasn’t until 11. It wasn’t really a dilemma at all, we used every minute of the ac that we could.  We did leave the room around 9 to get some breakfast then we came back to shower and pack. 

I told her in the Smokies she’d be praying for ice but she wouldn’t believe me

By the time we entered our 8th state, 0.2 miles down the trail and 10 minutes after we left the hotel, you would be hard pressed to believe we had even showered in the last week. It was well over 90F and we were slick from sweat. Add in a few nerves from walking across the Delaware River on I-80 with semis less than 2’ away and we were a smelly pair of thru-hikers once again.  As a side observation, I was amazed at how much the interstate bridge swayed from the traffic. At times, it was bouncing so much that I almost fell. I hope this is normal for the bridge. 

PA is officially done and people keep telling us NJ is an underrated state—we shall see

The first couple of miles was a road walk along the outer access road until we could cross under the interstate and enter Dunnfield Creek.  We had barely gone two miles before I called for a water stop to camel up.  This was where we met Colby, Chloe, Ben, and Jordan.  I would guess the kids were all in the 10-12 range so that means they are probably all in college. We talked with them for a while and answered some questions for them. Colby started the conversation when he saw me filtering water. I would put money on the chance that Chloe will one day hike the AT. 

Bunny, Jordan, Ben, Chloe, Colby, and me—keep an eye on Chloe, she will hike the AT

As they left us, a recent retiree and first day hiker joined us on the rocks where we were sitting. He asked us when it got easy, I don’t think he liked my answer. I told him for people our age, don’t count on getting decent cardio for at least 6 weeks. He picked the worst time to start being the middle of a heat wave. I also said to not quit on a bad day and that the next two months were going to be bad for him so we expect to see him in Vermont before he can even consider stopping by which time he will have too much energy invested. He was quite red and sweaty from the heat when we left him. He had only climbed about 100’ so far with another 1200’ to go. 

Climbing up high enough to get an unobstructed view of the river valley

At the top of our morning climb (which turned out to be an early afternoon climb), we passed the 1300 mile mark of the trail. The only marking we found was a scribble in the dirt which I thought was completely underwhelming so I set up a rock marker. For those following, you’re welcome. 

1300 miles—we’re almost done (just 890 miles to go)
Water reservoir in NJ

Sunfish Pond was just 0.2 miles ahead and is considered one of the 7 natural wonders…of NJ.  It is a glacial lake on top of the ridge. The signs indicated that because of its acidity, there was limited aquatic life. However, there was an exceeding amount of amphibian and reptilian life.  Bunny froze as we approached the water when a snake swam by.  We saw snakes, frogs, and dragonflies while we ate our lunch pond side. 

The furthest south glacial pond in the US
Bunny wouldn’t stop staring at the pond. When she showed me this picture, I understood why

Today was the day that we finally got PA rocks we have been promised.  Too bad we are in New Jersey. If the rocks had been further apart or closer together, they would have been tolerable. Instead, they were at the perfect ankle breaking separation. We were dragging from the heat coupled with the fact that we are just returning from a 3 day break where we were out of the high temperatures. Add in the fact that this is Bunny’s first day in new boots and we had a perfect storm of misery. The swarming gnats were an unnecessary bonus to our day. 

The frog was watching just as intently as Bunny was
Not the same snake…I couldn’t get Bunny to fill the water bag

The original plan had been to knock out the 10 miles to the Mohican Outdoor Center then chill until the heat let up. We wanted to be there by 3. We didn’t turn into the center until a little after 6:30. We met Pilgrim coming out as we were finally head in. They are still going to push on another 5 miles this evening.  We decided to get ice cream and cold drinks in us to lower our core temps and not move until tomorrow when they kick us out. Our 15-18 mile plans have been cut back to 10-12 mile days as long as the temperatures are over 90.  I don’t want to push my older wife too hard (thoughtful husband, but will I get thanksgiving?). 

Sunfish pond without critters on the surface

The Ice cream and cold drinks worked. That was just the ticket to turn my wife from bright red to Caucasian once again. It was hot inside, but at least we were away from the gnats and mosquitoes that Noah had saved. We had just made it before the place closed at 7 so we got spots in the Bunkhouse. 

Some ornate cairns along the shore

After showers, I created a gourmet dining experience for my lovely bride. We actually have a full kitchen at our disposal. I make spiral noodles in pesto sauce with lemon pepper chicken followed by Oreos (double stuffed, no less) for dessert. I even popped popcorn for an after dinner treat. Bunny claims all I do is boil water—I also open packages and operate microwaves (when available).  I almost forgot the hand squeezed peach/mango drink I made for us. See if she can squeeze a MIO as well as I do.

Bunny loves it when I take selfies—no matter how strong the sun is