Day 64 & 65, Monday, Tuesday, April 16 & 17. Bear Garden Hostel—Double Zero

Bunny and I talked things over when she got back from talking to her mom and daughter. We decided she needs to get back and make any necessary arrangements/decisions for her parents care whatever the situation may turn out to be. However, any input from me into the situation would not be welcome by the family as I am so new to the fold. I will continue to hike the AT, solo.

The house we rented at Bear Garden Hostel—6 total including Lady Bug, Stickers, Postcard, Clock Work, and us

On Monday, we got a ride from the Hostel owner into Wytheville, VA to rent a car from Enterprise (it’s only fitting since we have run into so many red-shirted crew members along the trail). Bunny left me all alone in Virginia first thing Tuesday morning so she could head home to help out her mother deal with her dad. Who knows how long she’ll be gone.

She’s only been gone less than 12 hours and I am the dirtiest and smelliest I have been the entire trail (and I just had a shower and did laundry yesterday). I have not been on an overnight hike without Bunny for the last 8 1/2 years. I’m scared, I’m lonely, I’ve soiled myself, and I haven’t even left the hostel yet. On the bright side, I may lose some weight now that I don’t have Bunny pestering me to feed her.

Assuming I survive until she is able to rejoin me on the trail, we will come back and make up the section of trail she misses after we finish up on Katahdin—she is not as CDO as I am about the trail (I find it necessary that all things are in the proper order—both the trail and three letter abbreviations). Though I walk in the valley of death (lions and tigers and bears, oh my) I fear all shadows but I’ll be damned if I let a little electrical storm scare me.

My death wish has always been to be aware enough of my impending demise to strip off all of my clothes and walk deep into the woods to allow the animals free access to consuming my body—“leave no trace” if you will. If you hear of a naked man on the AT, have no fear, I’ve always been forward thinking.


4 thoughts on “Day 64 & 65, Monday, Tuesday, April 16 & 17. Bear Garden Hostel—Double Zero”

  1. Just got all caught up for the past 10-15 days!

    First of all, so sorry to hear about Bunny’s dad and really hope she doesn’t have to get off the trail for too long. I know she had to. No matter how we all try to minimize our responsibilities so we can escape from real life, there’s always something. Enjoy the solo time as much as you can & I’ll keep Bunny & family in my thoughts.

    We LOVED the NC/TN balds. They blew us away. As Southbounders, people kept saying to us, “but you already hit all the most beautiful parts.” They were setting us up for disappointment, but the truth was the last bit of the trail was really a favorite.

    You can’t bring your pack up Katahdin? I must have missed that new rule. Why? Interesting. We, like you, were adamant about having our packs with us every step of the way, so that would have been hard for us.

    1. I thought the no pack was a rule at Katahdin to stop celebrations at the top. I might be confused that it was just a suggestion and not a rule—if it’s allowed, up it goes. Bunny will probably be back by the time I’m in Pearisburg.

  2. So sorry to hear about the circumstances leading to Pam’s departure. You’re not alone. You’ve still got family on the trail (if not a phone…)

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